
The team of Gdansk University of Technology introduced one of the maritime domain demonstrators that will be used in the TRANSACT project. An innovative, unmanned, new generation vessel – „Hornet” – will be the first vessel of such type in Poland: with options of autonomous and semi-autonomous operation.

Its safety-critical systems, based on intelligent data analysis, will be built on TRANSACT guidelines and outputs. In result, the TRANSACT approach will allow both, edge and cloud technologies to provide a reliable and safe cyber-physical system, with low installation and maintenance costs.

This approach is gaining considerable coverage in Polish media and among public authorities. First partners from outside the consortium have approached Gdansk Tech and a collaboration with the Polish Maritime Standardization body has been set up.

Ultimately, the vessel can serve to inspect ship canals and offshore wind farms patrol – e.g. to detect objects which should not be present in a given area.

Read the full story here: https://pg.edu.pl/en/news/2022-11/unmanned-surface-vessel-enhance-security-polish-ports-and-offshore-wind-farms

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