Reference architecture for transforming safety-critical cyber-physical systems from localised standalone systems into safe and secure distributed solutions.

The TRANSACT project has developed a universally applicable distributed architecture concept and framework that brings together cyber-physcial systems (CPS) end devices with edge computing servers and cloud computing facilities, hosting multiple mixed-criticality applications.

The Reference Architecture was presented by Javier Coronel Parada (ITI) and Teun Hendriks (TNO-ESI) here during the EUCloudEdgeIoT Impact Webinar. Watch the recording here:

This presentation focuses on the TRANSACT reference architecture and its distributed multi-tier approach, which is based on a computing continuum that spans from the CPS device tier, through the edge tier, to the cloud tier. Outsourcing functionality to the edge and cloud tiers can lead to improved performance, reduced execution time, or enhanced precision in computations as long as the quality of service requirements are met and safety is not compromised. The reference architecture introduces several cross-cutting Core Services to accomplish these features, deployed across all tiers to ensure safety, performance, security and privacy. Further, Value-Added Services enhance the system capabilities, such as data analytics or dedicated AI services, giving insights into the collected data.

The description will be complemented with a medical use case showing how the TRANSACT approach and reference architecture can be applied in a hospital. Having a cloud-connection available during live treatment of patients would enable a surgeon to e.g. request the cloud to perform the latest 3D image processing analysis, to provide the best insight for the medical procedure at hand. Illustrated will be how the use of the TRANSACT approach and reference architecture is beneficial to support the safe, secure, performant and privacy-preserving realisation of such a cloud-connected advanced imaging workflow.

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